So that’s that for discussion

Had  a  good  week but  assholes  win again . 1st  amend  to 1st amend . Will pay the BLOG Fee another  year, Rally  round the  flag.  8

2 thoughts on “So that’s that for discussion”

  1. Eight, I’m glad you extended the blog. Nice to have a stress-free platform for communication for another year, far from the madding crowd of bashers. Hoping for some good news from Paul soon regarding ramping up production and getting our paws dirty doing some underground mining.

    1. Let the buzzards strip the road kill carrion. Rising late , closing early on own schedule since absolutely nothing comes from our poor power to add or detract so most will little note or long remember. Product is all and comes sooner than later. Perhaps, nothing to do better will start ripping each another. Seems all it takes is simple sentences, few commas and NO appostrostrokes. Victor Borge said it all way back when ’56 (put). 8

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