Another week at old grindstone

 Had to leave  msg  3:30 Reno time hoping  too busy to answer  in  great  Biggest Little  cell service. Said   2.16 mil traded and  seems most  was MMs  covering   buys  .02, .021 . .022 close where it  was my   small 3K  made  the  ask.  Don’t take  much when is all good and next  small buy  ready to go.  Seems small buy  but  the $9.99 TDA trade  over all held?  cost  .00000048/share and   gained .001  apiece for   little  $20K gain.  Better  day a  comin!  Lord,  Lord!( not much U-tube, sorry )
Tue 11th 30 min to go 2 mil traded. Hope  somebody knows  sumthin as it  aint  me! I’m sure  about  100 mil very  tight held or  still in R status or non-deposited  even, awaits  a  big  rise  with JV accepted…  or  not.  Means least 1% of  trading no appreciable change  so w/o  a close  look as many  sold  as bought and  last  buy  were protecting  the .001  better ask even after  close. ( my  only buy was  .022 @ 57:30). We  always  get  a chuckle out of how  fortunate  Mexus  is to have   as  biggest  supporter  and  investor. Meant  except  for  the total  silliness Lout   having him constantly  in  Alaska  with mistress? Mostly been year’s long  attack on me now  oddly  quieted.  Has left him  much freedom to operate back forth to Sonora and  Reno.  Meantimes  bright  folk  as in  past accumulate  and  will laugh to the bank with  news.
BTW GRC has  contract  for mine planning  with Newmont if I heard  right in  the  CC.  Not great  audio.  Jason explained not  any  JV just mine  plans. Also may halve  the  shipping  distance AND join the  National  Pan AM Hiway grid for  no fuel diesel cost.  May go from $400 to $200 oz cost.
I assume  is in negotiation in  Reno today. One thing  for certain the prospects know is  he is not about to roll over and take some profit.
I know he’s been in  some discussions since POG was  still $1700and  deals much easier  to conclude  for good  cash with  most in profit  still.  Also assume a fall to $1140-50 and  static  near  $1200 was some  cause  for  San Felix  sale  fall through. Still we have  no real awareness  of  what actually   transpired.  I DO KNOW he  plans  on recovery  in some  form as  was  told no uncertain terms  when I mailed Silver  Pursuit our  concerns prior  annual meet. But  horse has left barn   and  chase  is  on to bring in and  corral .  Sure no transparency  with private minded  Mexicans. More like  stone  walls and need  for scaling ladders than door keys to unlock value.
“Mexus will continue to hold a 50 percent security interest in the project until such time as the full purchase price is paid by FPV ” Year back value  seen as  $10 million split  50/50.  Where  does  that  fall in  Mexus books 2015?
Never been a  name mentioned public  but  the  Reno miner is Argonaut mentioned  to me. Just  aren’t many other TSX miners with HQ there. Like none so  hard  to see I’m wrong.   Then  I think some  of  their  cash backers  are interested  in the  Ures  claims separately .  No small  cash group can do planning and drilling open pit  project  they will need and  that  will be the JV. VERY little investment  will  be needed  to mine  the  shaft  where  simply  opening  2nd entrance  will provide  the planned  50 tons from two work faces.  His  asking price has  remained   at  about $6 million for  49% max and  I haven’t  seen that  slide. Fresnillo was  the  neighbor dealing   and had near  that  figure discussed  but  greatly  stretched  out and  as large majority owner.   Argonaut  has  no current or planned  high grade  shafts with  4-5 older ones  set  for low  grade open pits acquired   by  similar deals  but  as 100% owner.  $2 million  set  in  ’15 for pit  drills and pad planning alone   at    latest  explore project  with   less cash potential already  logged  at  Julio/Maria  Elena. I just  can’t  buy the lousy dealer  tab. Toughest  game  to crack  into is the small guy  with  hand  out  for  working  cash.  This  one alone  should be  the  rainbow  end and he  says has done all he  can manage up to this decision point. I do know  he’d not be  as  relaxed  if  it  weren’t  damn near  to closed. Still never over  until it’s over and  this  simply  the  beginning viewed  that  light  History  BTW was  execs  at  Reno’s Meridian Gold who merged  with Yamana  in 2007, left and   took over  Toronto’s  Castle  Gold  in Jan  2010 and named  it Argonaut staying  on  TSX. Makes it  same  age  as Mexus  but   they were  successful  mid- tier miners. Little  switch on  old saw, “Choosers  are not beggars”  but neither are million oz owners.  8

..i too had a conversation with pt — thursday eve, i think. pretty clearly not argonaut…and nothing on paper yet with what he described as a private investor group. that said, discussions seem pretty serious…he seemed reasonably optimistic, but in his own words, not definitively so….yet.
i guess my big question would be, if i’m prospective partner: what would be fair and how to structure a deal given no definitive geologicals done yet on primary ore bodies. 
even if pt guesstimates greater than 1M oz au equiv, hard to see anyone putting up big upfront cash to mexus without more info. so…if this goes forward, i would expect a far smaller amount of upfront cash for mexus, but a commitment to spend “x” on actual mining of shaft and exploration, with perhaps better cash returns to mexus as gold actually produced and sold, balanced with mexus payback to partner for mexus share of production/exploration expenses. when cash expense parity reached, profit split according to % owned. something like this….
so many ways to do a deal…how do you think it’ll go? just hope if it happens, pt will elect to explain it well to shareholders…cuz without big upfront cash, which is hard to make a case for as stated above, some will think “we got screwed” if not properly explained….
also truly hope pt and any advisors will do SERIOUS due diligence on anyone they are doing a deal with. pdent assures me yes, but also true that this kind of evaluation, even with his smarts and skills, has not been pt’s strong suit. this simply cannot turn into another “silver pursuit/atzek” type thing….what the h was that all about anyway?? maybe one day we’ll get the real story…
for now, though…guess we’ll soon be seeing about sta elena… and whether a reasonable deal can be made. digits crossed…
thanks for any cogent thoughts re any/all the above….”
Investor group yes for follow on AFTER a  JV,  but no other possible  I see  to JV in Reno. BUT P Masson was  shoving it out the door ASAP and Seagrams ruined  the winery.  Called  his  War of  the (slurred) Words. All left of the  famed  Saratoga  champaign cellers  name I loved to sample (bottles  popping  as  were turned  over to settle dregs) is   brandy from Modesto. Not  what you say, what  you  do.

On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:34 PM,  wrote:
“would love to hear definitively that argonaut is somehow involved! just didn’t sound like it from what pt said….at least concerning julio property, but guess we’ll see. would also love to see 6M$ for 49% you speak of….! much i don’t know, so maybe i’m very mistaken in terms of what i think makes sense for those across negotiating table from paul…and these are indeed hard and strange times for small companies in mexus’ position…

anyway, so looking forward to forward motion….and end of limbo period, but i guess as o.welles said in the wine commercials …”no wine before its time”…

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