Nice time to live through alright

NATO has warned Russia border provokings  of Art  5 (Turkey since  ’52 )requires  member  response to aggression against any. Only  actually invoked 1 time  on response to 9-11 attacks. Nothing  for them to play round with BUT Obama  never heard of the camel nose under the  tent then is inside. Decided to let Putin fight his battles.”I can be Much more flexible  AFTER ’12 elections”. But  once a  coward…. Never can forget  doing  Command and Staff College study   under  Mutual Assured Destruction  while on  runway alert 30 min  away from E German border and own MAD. Got your  attention  without any  foot stamping will be on  exam. Final test  was  decoding the launch code never came thank  god and most oddly Nixon in  70’s Moscow talks. Another chicken loser back then  Carter until staunch Regan and  then Bush ’41 did THAT bunch in. Now we  got a new good  buddy Vlad. 8

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