Have an un-nice day

Re: A deleted message
Post # of 9029 

I’ve been quiet about this but Paul and I have spoken of his great disappointment with Julio. An emotionally disturbed person, asked for severance so PT cut him out and is longer part of Mexus just the family share he holds. I can detect no logic in thought nor approach but lashing out near bizarre fashion. Thus, we assume, for about same cause to rename the shaft. No mention, never more. While is always possible PT AND Marco had dealings past I can’t see how that affects a Copper Miner’s filed action unresolved we own no part. I know PT as a very loyal and honest man I’d give my shirt AND DID! Absolutely anytime I’d a need and asked he satisfied it completely. Still is a hard nose biddness man in a difficult and dangerous game and area. To greatly benefit all he may edge ball a bill closer to the green if not the cup. Very least this came up at the exact time to would harm him most and NOT tomorrow with 10K and Dent feels a MarMar disclosure who and what. Hope it comes but not a vast need long as I trust and I do. Reason is I’m assured by two friends both Pauls that it will be asap. 8

Laying on a horse track so broken? Might be cause to drag put the hog leg. Pure sorrow, can’t look.

Real name’s iwedge. Pre-history’s simplest tools! May be due some inquiries why such was even allowed over and over and over. This America or Turkey purge? 8
Post # of 9119
Keep a close eye on losses. Mine’s some $240K. Few mill and one a Cavasos’ still practicing office may want a class action filed on ihub. Send a thief etc.8
Re: 8thaero post# 9117
Post # of 9120 

Keep a close eye on losses. Mine’s some $240K. Few mill and one a Cavasos’ still practicing office may want a class action filed on ihub. Send a thief etc. 8

Taken to my own blog? Never removed. Since Julio began slander I’m voice of reason and had 12 removed. We need a better way to get it all going. This joint’s pure crapola! Soon’s affordable how fer Site chat board and dump here in the crapper?

Re: 49andretired post# 9121
Post # of 9122 

Do we know that it has? No PR since 24th June Here’s a post to Mexus info. 8

“What’s the cost of own chat bd and dump ihub? We’d probably raise it now no sweat. ”

Re: Moneydontbuylove post# 9120
Post # of 9124
His attempt is to cut dad out entirely and BK Mexus to renegotiate a Rancho agreement with probably a suitor promises to reward that after a decade’s low ball offers now proven up. SUDDEN a proven slime ball becomes THE MAN and screws both father needing it and older brother still hard at work last we know whom don’t! 8.
Post # of 9158 
Production plans have always called for a water supply brought in for that purpose as at San Felix and other area mines . I just assume is one of the ponds MarMar is constructing said 80% complete. Think they’re not aware of the need? These are old miners here.People with water to sell are in the business of selling water including to people with business of making gold. Water used in leach does not disappear except for evaporation and DOES contain the metal you know. You treat it with EXTREME care. Might ask how Herradura’s managed last 20 years and moved on to Noche Buena as well. Seems to believe if you are a good employer Sonora State will not support you like all the other area mines. I believe they’re some brighter than that non- economic nonsense. Family’s always used weapons to protect property so I can see Juilo marching patrol at the gate. And about as effective. But so far does seem a pretty childish food fight. Next item in the food fight is probably blast permit. We do know Marco has gotten permits before and can see no reason why he wouldn’t be able to get one here.
Should be resolved in the 90 days court allowed for defense prep and that’s now past any Sept production we can expect if they meant it and I do believe they do. Look out for that steam roller. Slow but certain crush. 8
Re: realtorwsm post# 9162
Post # of 9163 
Realize this is a vicious public attack for own personal gain
and will be prosecuted as needed to protect us. Has been no requirement yet to give you any of this while legal actions are underway but you know as much as needed to see though this serious but silly minded attempt to defraud Mexus owners. As always give them full support. I know of none to few else would give this much for us to beware crawling things going barefoot through the nasty web. 8
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