Goldie Wolf

Sound  familiar? AKA, Blabber, blabber blabber

“Most speculators in this sector have very short-term time horizons. They expect to drill a few holes, make a discovery and turn a $0.10/share stock into a $1 stock. It doesn’t happen that often. It occasionally does, and that’s what keeps hope alive.

Exploration is a scientific endeavor, in which you conceptualize a target or a theory, and you test it using a drill and the data. You re-analyze the data and adjust your model to fit, often more than once. That takes time and money”

General opinion is  I cry “wolf’  near  weekly.  When Dax  asks  if  any  currently  posting  MXSG have  been there or  even met Paul? Answer is  except  he? NOBODY ! Since  neither  I nor  Dent post  for  different  reasons on  RB; I can’t with no reason ever  given and  he  can    both there  and here tho doesn’t   doesn’t  as  official voice  of  Mexus, no “experts”  have  even seen the  Julio/Elena gold on  site.  They just   blabber on  lengthy forever “No Progress” , “Shareholder  base  gone disgusted” , but  seems mostly  “I insult  them” with unfounded  reports  and  delays  of my  choosing. Well, any  insult is  to their  intelligence displayed knowing  nothing of  what’s actually  there.  Abundant gold  all over  the spread I’ve shown since  initial visit  Sept 2011.  I’m aware  3  have  been to Julio 2  shaft  bttom and  NONE of  them are  one propounding  on RB or  any  other  message  board.  A bit  like  John Marshall ’48  Coloma  CA Sutter’s  Mill. “GOLD!” Took a  time  but  created  a  usta  be  nice  state  and  sprung  next door to Nevada by  panned out  miners on way  home East. Called  Comstock Lode.  And  were  NO Rules and  Regulations existing. Got  it? Get  it! was  norm.  Now   even in Sonora  is  about  8 years to produce.  So Goldie-Wolf is  due  about  2020 right  on  schedule.  Wonder if  Mexus  will come  in  early? 8


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