Tue close

Yeah, Tue close. Someone’s in the market but sideways or lower. POG ‘s an assist. Good placer news should help but will be family operating so until the contractor climbs on with a good ticket price this is about it. I THINK that’s still the modus, buy in to do the heavy lifting with we the people Sr JV. Know was what sunk last negotiation , too little WE.  Still great  PPS to accumulate.  Unfortunate my last  placed  was way up at  .05! All I do now  is  support a  few  times a K  at  close at  $9.99 a  pop on TDAm.  Means  a  cent a  share on top ask.  But  was  what kept  the  joint  alive  whilst  all since.

Just  have  seen one indicator  of  real worth in  a  swing.  200 day moving  average   HUI (Gold  Bugs)   stopped  falling  and began to rise  from oddly  222.22  Fri 27th then final  222.19  Monday now 222.25 and  rising  today. Had  fallen since  late  Sept 2012.   A bottoming  is  a  change point  to follow as  was all the  way from $1800  to  $1200 POG now  $1330. HUI  high was  525 low was  190 and  rising  since. Some  point daily  close  crosses  above  the  previous  200 day avg.  of about  40 trade  weeks.

I fondly  note  HMS Great  White  Lout  now  gets  all his  info from the  blog.   Users  here  near  same  as  RB G Resources now  dead. Not  much but  the  bitchers  left to buddy  with on MXSG bd and  HMS GW Lout needs  a  buddy.  Daddy  never  took off  the  training  wheels. Silly  twit  can’t  unnerstand  my net  worth in Mexus rises  13.5% on a  .005 day! Means  every  million shares  I own are  UP $5,400. Only  one  with more’ s  the CEO’s  70 mil and  he  created  his. I paid  for  ALL of  mine  to keep the  thing  going at  all. What  a loutish, senseless  turd.  White  porcelain walls then …. FLUSH!

One thought on “Tue close”

  1. Agreed. Getting better support lately on gold/silver and mining stocks, though still in a narrow range. Ongoing supply shortages will give the metals a good base going forward. Hope to pick up more shares if I get some extra cash next month, because negotiations are slow I may still have a pretty cheap price to buy at. Win-win either way.

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