Letter cont.

No, that’s an  11 years disaster  and  so many  BROKEN investors can’t  count. Visa and I are only  ones I know  who made  a cent and  he  did  his 3 years AFTER 2007  legal settled  on the 2010  split  and  refinance then he  sold  at profit  2nd  time  around. LARGE investors took  total control and  little  folks  went  broke.  People  like  you  look in  the large end of  the  telescope. There is  NO  Jr financing  since  2008. Comstock was  fully  taken over  by then and  works  in  $900 oz  cost. No mine  I know  better and I’m fully  into Mexus not Comstock where have sold ALL the  remaining 2010  .008( I took  down to  .00048) PPS going  nowhere fast at  enormous  cost. Compared  to minor  squabbles in  Sonora? Comstock was a  repeat  of  the Civil War. Seems peaceful but  the  dead  long  buried.  Ask some  survivors. Opposite  reasons  but  Visa and  I are  best qualified.  A  like 200/1  split   is  MEXUS $7 and  1,285,000 shares. Looks  good  right?   Just owned  by  SF Portsmouth Sq  financiers not  you or  I.

I’ve  been urging  him strongly  to just  keep saying  what  is  going  on good or  bad.  Good is  slim enough as   San Felix   $4 mil debt  is to pay  for placer  move  this  month and 2  bidders mean one  needs  to do a best offer to take  the  gold  ring.  Means  so far one hasn’t .  Heard  no more  of  a  3rd.  Bad is  good’s  not  good  enough to take  what’s  for  grabs and  as  been telling  you  here  a  few years  it’s  awfully  good  stuff in  a  very  bad  time for  small miners looking  at  being  gobbled  up by  a  big 12% interest  financing   like  Comstock was in 2004-2010.  Believe me  you’d  NOT like  the  process.   Pouring  metal, yes. But  doing it  with Jan 2004  $1.35 PPS now  worth .008. AND probably  $60-80 million cost to fund production. Just looked it  up,  2009-2013 losses  were $60,438,879.  Who pays  that?  Common shareholders year  on  year.  Loss  pre  tax, ’09, $6,064,321; ’10 $61,603,321; ’11, $16,302,997; 2012, $35,132,570: ’13, $25,363,725, totals $144,466,934 to initial  small ’12 metal AND will be  another great loss to   last  half  ’14. When  I pick a  prime  example I know  of best?  Better  check if  I’m wrong. Your’s  is  total BS! Mexus  $15 mil  to pre- production  is  pure  chicken feed  in money management.  Exact  wrong move  you’re  demanding leaves  you  where few hundreds to thousand up to $1.35 (times  200 is  $270!!!)  GoldSpringers  were  buried with ZERO pushin up daisies!

Mind you  if  you also check JJ, I advised GSPGers  to go with John Winfield (show me  the MONEY man) in control tussle  ’04’-07 and if  you played in my  way it  worked out to enormous  profit   back up to .07 from  Jan 2004 $1.35  in’08. NONE did!  That’d  be  $14  today.  My advise  is  today go with what  PT final accepts  and  meantime grab yer  crotch and  hold on like  there’s  a  man inside yer  fist. Any girls? Just  think manly.    8


. in direct response to your Mexus/Comstock comparison, forgot to mention something pretty germaine here: reality is, for all its fits, starts, growing pains, etc, Comstock’s current market cap is about 10x Mexus’. They may be somewhat bloated with staff and general overhead….but they have been producing Au and Ag consistently now for several quarters and are ramping up. meanwhile, we’re still waiting here at mexus for our “modern godzilla”…so far the “old splinter hotel” is ahead…

again, hope that’ll change soon, but that’s just the current reality…

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