No Name City

Personal blogs, any  can read. Must  wonder why  many  do simply  to bitch about  somewhere  else. Guess  just  take it  as some  complement  from folks  with nothing  much to do of  importance.

Interesting  thing  is  very  aware people  know  I’m really  good  at  the investments  I get into, charge  nothing  for  that  as  advice  take  it or  leave it and  that  some  REALLY stupid  people  who have  nothing  to even offer  don’t  seem to like  the  deal. You simply  wonder why  that  is until it  dawns nothing  from nothing  leaves nothing and  worth every  negative  word of   mindless blabber jabber. Idea  of  the  entire  schmear people is  try HARDEST to do something positive  and  eliminate  the negative. Even can mess  a  bit  with Mr In between during  the lulls.  Never  know what  may popup unawares with a  smile not  a  frown. .  That  was  fun now  go admire  your  mirror  with me  in  it “Who’s  the  fairest?”  Choke  on   an apple  , Snow  White. Expect  you all vanish with the  dawn  and  similar  vampirish. Saying  4  of  5?  5th was  avg  @ $.05 , $14,000 = 280,000   PP R scerts  never  cashed in  now  Tax  write  off , in  ’08 General Metals  now  Cibolo after  20/ 1  reverse . Big  gains were   from low .11 to high $10 USGL now  MUX  all cashed  out now  near  $2.6  in  a  decade up and  down .  LODE / GSPG   low  .00048 to .07  cash out  pre  200/1  split, GORO  biggest haul  520,000,  .25  shares. Once  agan sillies?  not claim  is  ME  always right is  them ALWAYS wrong and  too proud  to admit  pure  stupidity  over  and over  and  over we  all see pretty  plainly. Can’t  seem to explain why  even Barrick’s  down  $2  from  a  year  back. Nope  stupid  CEO Jason.  Jus blabber  on pure  factual ignorance  why   got in so late in  a  bull   not  early which is  the  entire  game. MLB and  the  bushes.   Exact   why  I get no names and  “IMO” about best  I can do.   Who might be  interested and  where  they talk from narrows  some.  They blather  on demanding name   can’t  be  said (death eaters  use  for GPS). Years now  been the  exact  same  give  me more then even more.  Can see from pretty  positive plans  detailed now  none  give   a flying  fig not  already  involved.  After   whom becomes  known gamble  is  over with terrific  odds  for  success.  Simply  count  number of  people  who’ve  met  PT or  gawds’ sake visited  ANY biz  aspect  from cable to Ures  to  Trinidad  to Rancho  and  you see  how MANDITORY,  as  I consider,  trust  originates,  ALWAYS a  reason  for  not  doing  so year  after year  after year. “Soon as  I can … none go with me.., too hot”( hey winters  are  damn cold!!!  )blah blah. DEEP discount  on ANY opines! Then same  jokers  yakkety  blathery gab  with true  enemies  of   all Mexus  holders.  Rev 3: 15-17. ” wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. ”  Pick em.  8

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